Business and Human Rights

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Human Rights and Business on 9 June 2009 made a submission to the Australian National Human Rights Consultation. Click here to see the submission: ruggie-submission-to-australian-natl-human-rts-consultation-committee-9-jun-2009pdf


In 2005 HRCA joined with the Brotherhood of St Lawrence and other NGOs in bringing a complaint against GSL, the company that run immigration detention centres on behalf of the Australian Government, under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations. The complaint was the first under the Guidelines and resulted in the company accepting the value of applying human rights principles to its operations.

Here is the media release from the complainants:


Here is the original complaint provided to the Australian National Contact Point:


Here is the opening statement to the first meeting with the company hosted by the Australian National Contact Point:


Here is the suplementary evidence submitted by the NGO complainants:


Here is the final statement by the company, GSL Australia:


Here is the final letter from the Australian National Contact Point:


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