Sport and Human Rights

Opening Address to the 1st International Conference on Sport and Human Rights organised by the Human Rights Council of Australia

Address by Sir William Deane Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia on the occasion of the opening of the first International Conference on Sport and Human Rights organised by the Human Rights Council of Australia with the support of ATSIC, AusAID, Australian Youth Foundation, Law Foundation of NSW, NSW Department of Sport and Recreation, Physico, Sport Canada, the British Council, UTS and Waverley Council.


Sport and Human Rights Conference Programme

• Selected highlighted speakers
• Programme
• Conference abstracts
• Sports and human rights – An Olympic tradition
• The conference – A first
• Conference issues
• Support for the conference
• The Human Rights Council of Australia Inc
• Registration


Sport and Human Rights Conference Abstracts

Abstracts include:

  • Women in Australian Sport – A Global Example?
  • The Paralympic Athlete: A Cry from the Heart
  • Ethics in Sport: Is there a role for the Law?
  • ‘…that’s another fine mess you’ve got us into Pierre’ … The Olympic Games and Women’s Rights
  • Sports Are Human Rights: An Indigenous Perspective
  • Being Visible – Gay Games VI and Cultural Festival – Sydney 2002
  • Sport, Drugs and ‘Human’ Rights


Ruddock refuses entry to young Liberian soccer players

Children’s Soccer Team Denied Visas to Sydney Human Rights Conference

The visit of a young African soccer team to Sydney invited to be special guests at an international conference on sport and human rights has been called off after Australian immigration officials rejected their visa request.


Sport and Human Rights Conference proceedings

When the Human Rights Council of Australia first approached the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) in 1998 for advice on the proposal to hold the first ever international conference on sport and human rights, it was already clear that the 2000 Sydney Olympics would be demonstrating that sport and politics do mix.
