Damning evidence of serious child harm in detention

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MEDIA RELEASE Damning evidence of serious child harm in detention February 11, 2015: Sector leaders have called for a bi-partisan commitment to permanently end the policy of mandatory and indefinite detention of asylum seeker children and families following the release…

The Council in April 2010

Following the Australian Government’s rejection of the recommendation by its own Brennan Committee to enact a Bill of Rights, the Council issued a media briefing criticizing the Government for its decision that will result in a lack of human rights…

The Council in December 2009

The Executive Director was asked to take part in the 3rd annual Intensive Course on Health, Development and Human Rights at the University of NSW * * * The AGM of the Human Rights Council of Australia is to take…

The Council in November 2009

The Council had endorsed a campaign by the St James Ethics Centre to promote an ethics-based complement to scripture classes in NSW schools. View the submission to NSW Education Minister Verity Firth here ethics-in-schools-submission This was followed up with a…