Sport for Good – Torrens University Human Rights Related Course

Torrens University is offering a free online short course connecting human rights and sport, an issue that the HRCA has advocated in support of over many years. The course has been developed with Graig Foster who is a passionate advocate of human rights. Graig addressed the National Press Club on questions of human rights in Australia on 30 March 2022.


The following is a course description provided by Torrens University:

“Sport has the power to transcend culture, connect audiences and inspire people from all walks of life. It’s also become a powerful platform for speaking out on issues of social justice and human rights.

“These free online short courses have been developed in collaboration with Australian soccer legend and human rights activist Craig Foster to give you an understanding of how to facilitate and support the sporting industry’s role in promoting global good.

“Designed to be relevant to a range of interests, from sports management to community services, these eight to ten-hour courses explore the history of sports activism, the changing landscape and the global challenges of modern sport through interviews with athletes who are leading the charge for change.”

The course form a series under the topics: Sport and Society, Sport and Human Rights, Sport Leadership for a New World and Sport as a voice for Change.

The courses can be accessed at: