About the HRCA

UNThe Human Rights Council of Australia Inc is a organisation of people committed to promoting universal human rights for all without discrimination; in Australia, our region and the world.  Our members bring together years of experience, commitment and action in the human rights field.

Since our Council was established in 1978, under the leadership of James Dunn, we have undertaken a wide range of human rights projects.

The Council pioneered the now widely adopted human rights based approach to development,  Other areas of activity have included refugee rights, indigenous issues, refugee issues, business and human rights, sport and human rights and the international human rights system.  The Council holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Committee.

UNOur Goals:

  • to promote and realize human rights for all without distinction
  • to monitor actions by government and call for observance of international human rights obligations
  • to contribute to human rights in our region of the Asia-Pacific and in the world
  • to improve Australia’s human rights policies and Australia’s human rights performance